Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, August 4, 2023

Cost of transferring Domestic Worker services - HR spokesperson

The spokesperson of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (MHRSD) in Saudi Arabia, Mohammed Al-Rizqi, explained the prices of transferring domestic labor services. Join Saudi Expatriates on Telegram

In a statement to the Al-Ekhbariya channel, Al-Rizqi stated that the Ministry has set precise tariffs, starting at 10,000 Riyals, for the service of transferring domestic labor services between individuals via the "Musaned" platform.

- The ministry's spokesman added that by providing an electronic platform with simple and easy-to-follow steps and allowing the transfer of the service after the approval of all parties to the contractual relationship, this service fits within the ministry's ongoing efforts to develop domestic workers. Trending : Is it possible to transfer job, once final exit visa issue?

- Earlier this, the General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) in Saudi Arabia clarified that the visa cannot be modified, once it is issued, however, it can be canceled by the employer.

- This comes as clarification from Jawazat after it received an inquiry on it, asking, "I paid 300 riyals for Exit re-entry visa and the sponsor made a mistake on the date and issued one week. Is it possible to amend and do I have a refund?".

- Responding it, Saudi Jawazat said, "Once the visa is issued, you cannot modify it, but you can cancel it through employer's Absher platform, however the paid fees is non-refundable, We are pleased to serve you". Most Viewed : New regulations to protect the rights of domestic workers and employers

Cost of transferring Domestic Worker services - HR spokesperson -

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