Posted by : Aahil Shaik Thursday, July 27, 2023

Eating sugars destroys Health and makes a person looks Older than his age - Health Consultant

Dr. Khaled Al-Nimr, a consultant cardiologist and catheter, issued a warning against regularly consuming sugar and sweets. Follow us for all important updates and news on Saudi Arabia

In a tweet published on his Twitter account, "Dr. Khaled" said that "eating too much sugar and sweets on a daily basis destroys your health and makes you look older than your real age."

- On the other hand, Al-Nimr pointed out, however, that "it is not necessary to take a blood pressure tablet before bedtime, as recent studies have not found a difference between taking it during the day or at night, so choose the time that suits you." Trending : Benefits of Honey, for heart, lungs and digestive system

- He added that, extremely high blood pressure can affect the brain and cause convulsions, coma, bleeding or stroke.

- Earlier this, Dr. Muhammad Al-Ahmadi, a professor of exercise physiology, outlined the difference between normal and central obesity.

- Al-Ahmadi said that, central obesity is the one that is concentrated in one place, usually in the chest and abdomen, or what is called “rumen.” Most Viewed : 8 health benefits of walking and exercise

- Al-Ahmadi warned that obesity is associated with many diseases, explaining that central obesity is one of the most dangerous obesity diseases.

- He highlighted that central obesity and diabetes are closely associated and said that type 2 diabetes is "common throughout the Kingdom, the Gulf countries, and the entire world."

- According to Al-Ahmadi, both men and women can develop this type of obesity, but in men the "apple" shape extends between two narrow feet and fat is deposited on top. While in women, it spreads in the form of a “pear”, where the fat is directly concentrated in the thighs and buttocks, explaining that the spread of fat in the body is directly related to the hormone.

- He cautioned that this is one of the reasons why heart disease affects males more frequently than it does women. Read : 4 ways to prevent colon cancer

Eating sugars destroys Health and makes a person looks Older than his age -

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