Posted by : Aahil Shaik Tuesday, April 2, 2024

An Expat and a Saudi jailed for 2-Years with 500000 riyals fine for Cover-Up crime

A Saudi national and an Asian national were both found guilty of commercial concealment (cover up) and sentenced two years in prison by the Criminal Court in Riyadh. The court additionally fined the Asian resident and the Saudi citizen 500,000 riyals each. Join Saudi Expatriates WhatsApp channel for all the latest updates

The court found the Asian and Saudi citizen guilty of commercial cover-up and Anti-Commercial Fraud law violations. The court decided to seize the forged auto parts, tools, and illegal money that were taken from the accounts of the guilty citizen and expatriate, as well as the proceeds of the crime.

- In addition to a five-year prohibition on engaging in the activity, the penalties include liquidation and closure of the establishment, cancellation of the business register and license, and, after serving his sentence, deportation of the Asian national without the ability to return to Saudi Arabia for employment again.

- The accused were subjected to punitive measures following information regarding their questionable commercial concealment, according to a statement released by the National Anti-Commercial Concealment Program. Recommend : Expat remittances hit a 5-year low from Saudi Arabia

- During their raid, the Nazaha authorities found evidence of commercial fraud, including the storage of counterfeit auto parts and the packaging of low-quality parts in cartons bearing the names of recognizable businesses.

- After looking into it, investigators discovered that the Asian resident had given the Saudi citizen a cell phone and perfume as a gift to lure him in and make him believe he had the money to cover up his illegal business dealings.

- The investigation uncovered the commercial cover-up crime when it was discovered that the Asian resident was involved in the facility's management for his personal benefit. In return, the worker had paid the citizen a lump sum of no more than 1000 riyals monthly to cover up for him. See Also : Saudi Arabia aims to be in Top 10 global destinations in 2024

- During the course of the inquiry, it was discovered that the total amount of money involved in the cover-up crime was around 30 million riyals. It was also discovered that the citizen had transferred the bank accounts of the business to the expat.

An Expat and a Saudi jailed for 2-Years with 500000 riyals fine for Cover-Up crime -

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