Posted by : Aahil Shaik Tuesday, December 29, 2020

 Employer is not responsible to insure Expats Parents and Siblings in Saudi Arabia

The Council of Cooperative Health Insurance (CCHI) clarified that the employer is not responsible to insure the companions of an expat worker like Father, Mother, Sister and Brother, who are in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia with permanent residency.

The Health Council stated through its Twitter that, in response to an inquiry in this regard, that the employer is not responsible, and the sponsor "employee" of these companions is obligated to insure them. Noting that everyone who sponsors a resident participates in his own health insurance. Trending : Corona vaccine will be provided in all regions of Saudi Arabia in 3 weeks

- On the other hand, the Health Insurance Council clarified that the employer can add benefits to the cooperative health insurance policy, under additional annexes, and at additional costs, to include other diagnostic and therapeutic services more than what is stipulated in the unified document.

- The Health Council earlier said that, the costs of covering newborns are on the mother's insurance policy for a maximum of 30 days from the birth date of the newborn. Certified insurance providers must check the mother's document, in order to get insurance coverage during the specified period.

- The Health Council responded it to an inquiry, where the citizen asked that he had performed a circumcision operation on his account for his 7 days old son, so is he entitled to claim the amount of 500 riyals through the mother's insurance? Read : Most notable side effects that may appear after taking the Coronavirus Vaccine

Employer is not responsible to insure Expats Companion, Newborns will be in cover of Mother's Insurance -

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