Posted by : Aahil Shaik Friday, March 18, 2022

What is the minimum Passport validity required in order to issue Final Exit Visa? Know the Jawazat response on this Inquiry

The General Directorate of Passports (Jawazat) in Saudi Arabia has clarified that a worker's passport must have a validity of at least 60 days, while issuing final exit visa for him in the Kingdom. Read : Jawazat allows cancellation of exit re-entry or final exit visa through Absher

This came in response from Jawazat through its Twitter, to a question from a user, who asked, she has 4 months remaining on his passport, so can she travel on a final exit? See Also : Is it possible to cancel final exit visa without fine?

- Responding to this question, Jawazat said, the validity of the passport should not be less than 60 days in order to be able to issue a final exit visa for an expat worker, we are please with your communication.

- Earlier this, Jawazat clarified that the iqama of a resident expatriate who is outside the Kingdom can be renewed online, after paying the fees through SADAD service through the Absher or Muqeem platform of the employer or sponsor.

- Saudi Jawazat added that the 'Request for Resident report' service from Absher platform allows the employer to issue a report on one of his workers. This report contains personal data, passport and visa information of the resident expat, including the information of his family members in the Kingdom, to be submitted to official authorities. Join Saudi Expatriates on Whatsapp Group

What is the minimum Passport validity required in order to issue Final Exit Visa Jawazat response -

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