Tuesday, March 17, 2020

38 new cases of Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, Total reached 171

38 new cases of Novel Coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, Total reached to 171, 6 Recovered

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia announces the registration of 38 new cases of Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) infection, By which the total cases in the country becomes 171 with 6 Recovered status and remaining 165 are isolated and being treated in the various hospitals of the Kingdom. Trending : Saudi Arabia closes congregational (Jamat) prayers in all Mosques

The following are the 38 new cases of Covid-19 in Saudi Arabia recorded on 17th March 2020 are :

- Three cases, The first is of a Saudi National who was in contact with previous case, Second one is a Saudi National coming from Germany and the third one is a Jordanian resident coming from Britain, They all are isolate in a health facility of Jeddah Governorate.

- The fourth and fifth cases are of a man and a woman of Egyptian Nationality coming from Egypt and the sixth case is of a Turkish woman coming from Turkey, all are isolate in the wards of health facility in Makkah.

- The Ten other cases are, 6 cases for citizens coming from Iraq, 1 citizen from Italy, 1 citizen who was in contact with the previous case, 2 cases of Saudi citizens under investigation, All of them are presently isolated in a health facility of Qatif.

- Three cases were recorded, 1 of them is a citizen coming from Spain, 2 cases are of Saudi Nationals who were in contact with previous cases, All of the infected are isolate in a health facility in Dahran.

- 13 cases were recorded of Saudi Nationals coming from several countries of Jordan, Oman, India, Britain, Turkey, Switzerland and Austria, 1 additional case of a Jordanian resident coming from Spain, 2 Filipino citizens who were in contact with previous cases and 3 cases of citizens all are in a health facility of Riyadh.